Thanks again.
Just after I posted my previous message I worked it out by myself! Now got 3
pages of music down to one!
Best regards,
Saturday, February 18, 2017, 5:37:39 PM, you wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 11:14 AM, Peter Toye <lilyp...@ptoye.com> wrote:
>> David, Jeffery,
>> Thanks again. But there's a slight problem: I didn't mention that I'm a
>> pianist, so have 2 separate staves with the same repeat pattern. The snippet
>> below shows some very interesting results, not least at the bar number
>> check.
>> \score {
>> \new PianoStaff {
>> \set Score.currentBarNumber=13
>> <<
>> \new Staff {
>> \tempo 4 = 108
>> \clef "bass"
>> \time 4/4
>> \key f \minor
>> \repeatSect 4 {\rhPatternA } |
>> \repeatSect 16 { \rhPatternA }
>> \repeatSect 4 {\rhPatternB }
>> \repeatSect 2 {\rhPatternA }
>> R1
>> \repeatSect 16 { \rhPatternA }
>> \barNumberCheck 56
>> \repeatSect 5 { \rhPatternB }
>> \relative { c16 c bf c r4 r2 }
>> \repeatSect 2 { \rhPatternB }
>> \repeatSect 2 { \rhPatternA }
>> R1
>> \bar "||"
>> }
>> \new Staff {
>> \clef "bass"
>> \time 4/4
>> \key f \minor
>> \ottava #-1
>> \repeatSect 4 {\lhPatternA } |
>> \repeatSect 16 { \lhPatternA }
>> \repeatSect 4 {\lhPatternB }
>> \repeatSect 2 {\lhPatternA }
>> R1
>> \repeatSect 16 { \lhPatternA }
>> \repeatSect 5 { \lhPatternB }
>> \relative { c,16 c bf c r4 r2 }
>> \repeatSect 2 { \lhPatternB }
>> \repeatSect 2 { \lhPatternA }
>> R1
>> }
>> >>
>> }
>> }
> Calling repeatSect actually sets the current bar number. Calling it
> separately in both staves results in those out of control numbers.
> A simple fix here would be to only call it in the top staff. You
> don't get the bracket in the lower staff, but it isn't necessary.
> \score {
> \new PianoStaff {
> \set Score.currentBarNumber=13
> <<
> \new Staff {
> \tempo 4 = 108
> \clef "bass"
> \time 4/4
> \key f \minor
> \repeatSect 4 {\rhPatternA } |
> \repeatSect 16 { \rhPatternA }
> \repeatSect 4 {\rhPatternB }
> \repeatSect 2 {\rhPatternA }
> R1
> \repeatSect 16 { \rhPatternA }
> \barNumberCheck 56
> \repeatSect 5 { \rhPatternB }
> \relative { c16 c bf c r4 r2 }
> \repeatSect 2 { \rhPatternB }
> \repeatSect 2 { \rhPatternA }
> R1
> \bar "||"
> }
> \new Staff {
> \clef "bass"
> \time 4/4
> \key f \minor
> \ottava #-1
> \lhPatternA |
> \lhPatternA
> \lhPatternB
> \lhPatternA
> R1
> \lhPatternA
> \lhPatternB
> \relative { c,16 c bf c r4 r2 }
> \lhPatternB
> \lhPatternA
> R1
> }
> >>
> }
> }
> %%
> HTH,
> David
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