Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> Hi Guy,
>> Why is this now necessary? Is it a case of assumptions about voices
>> changing in the newer 2.19 LP?
> I can’t remember exactly when or why it became necessary… I only
> remember getting bitten by it (which is why I know the fix!).
> Perhaps others (e.g., David Kastrup) can clarify when and why this
> improvement happened?

Problem is that it's a half-finished improvement so far which is why it
has not been documented.  \addlyrics and \lyricsto can now attach to
non-Bottom contexts but they cannot yet distinguish melismata from
various bottoms, so a melisma in one bottom context will tape together
syllables in the others.  That's not supposed to be the final state.

Which is why there is no documentation.

Not very satisfactory so far.

David Kastrup

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