Thanks for your comments Jeffery.

Here's some of the music I'm trying to set. I'm not worried about the full
score aspect, just the piano part. As you can see, it doesn't indicate how
many repetitions there should be, and the bar numbers don't increment

This is just a one-bar repetition, so my third comment isn't relevant. 

I've been using currentBarNumber so your typo wasn't a problem.

\version "2.19.52"

\language "english"

rhPatternA =
    f,16 f r af af r ef ef r c ef c ef bf' af ef |

rhPatternB =
  \relative {
    bf,16-> bf af bf-> r4 r2 |
lhPatternA =
{ \relative
    f,,16 f r af af r ef ef r c ef c ef bf' af ef |

lhPatternB =
  \relative {
    bf,,16-> bf af bf-> r4 r2 |

\score {
  \new Staff {
    \tempo 4 = 108
    \clef "bass"
    \time 4/4
    \key f \minor
    \repeat volta 4 {\rhPatternA } |
    \repeat volta 16 { \rhPatternA }
    \repeat volta 4 {\rhPatternB }
    \repeat volta 2 {\rhPatternA }

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