Menu Jacques <> writes:

> Hello folks,
> The Binchois.xml example by Recordare has 5 quater notes in a 4/4 measure
> (stemless by the way).
> Is this a « bug » in this MusicXML file, and if not, is there a way to 
> produce that with
> LP?

It's an intonation.  They are usually done unmetered.  The 4/4 probably
is some default creeping in.

I'd do something like

\new Voice {
  \clef "bass" \key f \major
  \temporary\omit Stem
  \once\omit Staff.TimeSignature
  c'4 d' c'( f') f'
  \bar "|"
  \undo\omit Stem
  \time 3/4 r r f
} \addlyrics { Ma -- gni -- fi -- cat A }
> I know I can use a hidden 5/4 time signature while diplaying a 4/4
> one, but that’s not that satisfying…

Just use \cadenza here.  This stuff is unmetered.

David Kastrup
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