Am 14.02.2017 um 22:51 schrieb Robert Blackstone:
> Hi Urs,
> Thanks for your explanation and advice (and my apologies for my late 
> reaction. Some urgent matter temporarily took me off my engraving activity.) 
> So I still have to try out your suggestion. 
> I am still puzzled though, for while I can understand that different voices 
> cannot be connected by spanners etc., in most instances up till now, with 
> identical coding (as far as I could see) the problem did not arise.
> I am also a bit puzzled about what  you write near the end of your mail: 
> "Actually I would really not create temporary polyphony for each measure as 
> this makes things *very* complicated."
> Not for each measure. But only for some measures? Or is there an alternative 
> that you would use? 

Just a short remark. Basically the music you showed in the example is a
two-voice polyphony. So I would wrap each voice in *one* Voice
expression from start to end:

    %all the music for the upper voice
  \new Voice
    %all the music for the lower voice

instead of creating this polyphony construct newly for each measure.

> I'll first experiment a bit with your remedy. 
> Thanks again.
> Bewst regards,
> Robert
> On 14 Feb 2017, at 14:37 , Urs Liska <> wrote:
>> Am 14.02.2017 um 14:27 schrieb Robert Blackstone:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I have been struggling for many hours with a pianoscore in which the mostly 
>>> polyphonic text regularly switches between the treble staff and the bass 
>>> staff.
>>> There should be (phrasing-) slurs joining the beamed groups of notes.
>>> Sometimes these slurs do not appear, as in the upper voice  between b.2 an 
>>> b.3 in the ME.
>>> Probably I do something wrong but I have not been able to find out what.
>>> Can someone help me out?
>> The actual problem is that the notes are encapsulated in different Voice
>> expressions and therefore can't be connected by spanners such as slurs
>> or \< \! etc.
>> When you write
>> c' << { d'' } // { d' } >> c'
>> LilyPond creates two temporary voices for the d-s (and make them
>> \voiceOne and \voiceTwo implicitly), while the original voice is
>> suspended during the polyphonic section.
>> In order to connect notes from inside the polyphonic section to the
>> outside you'd write
>> c' << { \voiceOne d'' } \new Voice { \voiceTwo d' } >> \oneVoice c'
>> This way the main voice is continued through c' d'' c' while only the d'
>> is wrapped in an implicit temporary voice.
>> With this information you should be able to disentangle your example.
>> Actually I would really not create temporary polyphony for each measure
>> as this makes things *very* complicated. But of course this may be
>> related to your real-world example.
>> HTH
>> Urs
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Robert Blackstone
>>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
>>> \version "2.18.2"
>>> upper  = {
>>>  \clef treble
>>>  \time 3/8
>>> s8 s8 s8 | %1
>>> s8 s8 s8 | %2
>>> s8 s8 s8  | %3  
>>> }
>>> lower = {
>>>  \clef bass
>>>  \time 3/8
>>>  << { a8 [ b ]  \( c' [  \)  }  \\ {\stemDown  c8 [ d ]\( e [ \)  } >> | %1
>>> << { d'8 ] \( \change Staff = "upper" e' \) [ f' ] \(  }  \\ { \stemDown f8 
>>> \(  ] g \)  [ a  ]  \(   } >> | %2
>>> << { \change Staff = "upper"  g' \)  [ a' b' ]   }  \\ { \change Staff = 
>>> "upper" \stemDown b \)  [ c' d'  ]  } >> | %3  
>>> }
>>> \score {
>>>  \new PianoStaff 
>>>  }
>>>  <<
>>>    \new Staff = "upper" \upper
>>>    \new Staff = "lower"  \lower
>>>  \layout { }
>>> }
>>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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