On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 1:47 PM, David Nalesnik
<david.nales...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 1:43 PM, David Nalesnik
> <david.nales...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 11:11 AM, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>>>> For voices with lyrics it is common to put triplet indications
>>>>> always above the staff, using the following rules.
>>>>>   . stems up or down, no beam: as usual (i.e., a number and a
>>>>>      bracket at the top, as if using \tupletUp)
>>>>>    . stems up, with beam: as usual (i.e., a number over the beam)
>>>>> The last case, however, is unusual:
>>>>>    . stem down, with beam: a number and a *slur* at the top.
>>> BTW, these rules can be found in the vocal score of `Arabella' (by
>>> Richard Strauss), for example.
>>>> It strikes me that I've seen code somewhere that uses slurs instead of
>>>> brackets.  I find this:
>>>> http://www.lilypondforum.de/index.php?topic=1658.0
>>> Yes, I can remember that also – very nice!
>>>> The results look great, but of course, the slur is broken.  It might
>>>> not be hard to modify that routine to do what you want..
>>> Oh, I actually don't really care whether the slur is broken or not.
>>> I'm rather interested in having a lilypond option to make it behave
>>> (i.e., differentiate between tuplet slur and tuplet brackets) as
>>> outlined above.
>> I've attached a patch which permits tuplets with slurs instead of
>> brackets.  Sorry that you have to build LilyPond to use it.
>> It's pretty rough.  For one thing, the slur shapes for inclined slurs
>> are probably not ideal.
>> To get the bowed-tuplets, you set TupletBracket.tuplet-slur to #t.
>> You can move the slur closer/further from the number by setting
>> TupletNumber.padding to the value you'd like (default: 0.3).  Don't
>> know what other
>> consequences there might be when setting TupletNumber.padding, but I
>> don't want to add more properties unless it's really necessary.
>> To get the behavior you want, check the example file.  There is a
>> Scheme function which
>> should put your rules into effect.

The attached is better structured and it supports 'shorten-pair for the slurs.

(Note that you can also set dash-definition)

From c583d664d2aed5f62cb603dfbb01235ecd2cbd23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2017 13:19:16 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Allow slurs instead of brackets with tuplets

Older editions often use slurs with tuplets.  This patch
creates a new property ('tuplet-slur'), which toggles this
notation style.  Note that 'bracket-visibility must be set
to #t for the slurs to appear with beamed notes.

(In the future, 'bracket-visibility might automatically be set
to #t.)

Support shorten-pair
 lily/tuplet-bracket.cc         | 95 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 scm/define-grob-properties.scm |  2 +
 scm/define-grobs.scm           |  1 +
 3 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lily/tuplet-bracket.cc b/lily/tuplet-bracket.cc
index 340b017..2600d7a 100644
--- a/lily/tuplet-bracket.cc
+++ b/lily/tuplet-bracket.cc
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
 #include "lookup.hh"
 #include "paper-column.hh"
 #include "moment.hh"
+#include "bezier.hh"
 static Item *
 get_x_bound_item (Grob *me_grob, Direction hdir, Direction my_dir)
@@ -245,6 +246,54 @@ Tuplet_bracket::calc_x_positions (SCM smob)
   return ly_interval2scm (x_span - me->get_bound (LEFT)->relative_coordinate (commonx, X_AXIS));
+tuplet_slur_shape (Offset l, Offset r, Real h_limit, Real ratio, Direction d)
+  Real indent;
+  Real height;
+  Real width = (r[X_AXIS] - l[X_AXIS]);
+  get_slur_indent_height (&indent, &height, width, h_limit, ratio);
+  Bezier curve;
+  curve.control_[0] = l;
+  curve.control_[1] = Offset (l[X_AXIS] + indent, l[Y_AXIS] + height * d);
+  curve.control_[2] = Offset (r[X_AXIS] - indent, r[Y_AXIS] + height * d);
+  curve.control_[3] = r;
+  return curve;
+make_tuplet_slur (Grob *me, Offset l, Offset r, Drul_array<Real> shorten)
+  SCM dash_definition = me->get_property ("dash-definition");
+  Real lt = me->layout ()->get_dimension (ly_symbol2scm ("line-thickness"));
+  Real height_limit = 1.5;
+  Real ratio = .33;
+  Direction dir = get_grob_direction (me);
+  Offset dz = r - l;
+  Real length = dz.length ();
+  l += shorten[LEFT] / length * dz;
+  r -= shorten[RIGHT] / length * dz;
+  Bezier curve = tuplet_slur_shape (l, r, height_limit, ratio, dir);
+  Stencil mol (Lookup::slur (curve, lt, lt, dash_definition));
+  Grob *tn = unsmob<Grob> (me->get_object ("tuplet-number"));
+  Real padding = robust_scm2double (tn->get_property ("padding"), 0.3);
+  mol.translate_axis (padding * dir, Y_AXIS);
+  return mol;
@@ -258,6 +307,8 @@ Tuplet_bracket::print (SCM smob)
   Spanner *me = unsmob<Spanner> (smob);
   Stencil mol;
+  bool tuplet_slur = ly_scm2bool (me->get_property ("tuplet-slur"));
   extract_grob_set (me, "note-columns", columns);
   bool equally_long = false;
   Grob *par_beam = parallel_beam (me, columns, &equally_long);
@@ -325,20 +376,32 @@ Tuplet_bracket::print (SCM smob)
   if (bracket_visibility)
       Drul_array<Real> zero (0, 0);
+      Drul_array<Real> shorten
+        = robust_scm2drul (me->get_property ("shorten-pair"), zero);
       Real ss = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
+      scale_drul (&shorten, ss);
+      Stencil brack;
+    if (tuplet_slur) {
+	  brack = make_tuplet_slur (me, points[LEFT], points[RIGHT], shorten);
+	  mol.add_stencil (brack);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+      Drul_array<Stencil> edge_stencils;
       Drul_array<Real> height
         = robust_scm2drul (me->get_property ("edge-height"), zero);
       Drul_array<Real> flare
         = robust_scm2drul (me->get_property ("bracket-flare"), zero);
-      Drul_array<Real> shorten
-        = robust_scm2drul (me->get_property ("shorten-pair"), zero);
-      Drul_array<Stencil> edge_stencils;
       Direction dir = get_grob_direction (me);
       scale_drul (&height, -ss * dir);
       scale_drul (&flare, ss);
-      scale_drul (&shorten, ss);
       Drul_array<bool> connect_to_other
         = robust_scm2booldrul (me->get_property ("connect-to-neighbor"),
@@ -373,15 +436,15 @@ Tuplet_bracket::print (SCM smob)
-      Stencil brack = make_bracket (me, Y_AXIS,
-                                    points[RIGHT] - points[LEFT],
-                                    height,
-                                    /*
-                                      0.1 = more space at right due to italics
-                                      TODO: use italic correction of font.
-                                    */
-                                    Interval (-0.5, 0.5) * gap + 0.1,
-                                    flare, shorten);
+      brack = make_bracket (me, Y_AXIS,
+                            points[RIGHT] - points[LEFT],
+                            height,
+                            /*
+                               0.1 = more space at right due to italics
+                               TODO: use italic correction of font.
+                            */
+                            Interval (-0.5, 0.5) * gap + 0.1,
+                            flare, shorten);
       for (LEFT_and_RIGHT (d))
@@ -390,12 +453,13 @@ Tuplet_bracket::print (SCM smob)
       mol.add_stencil (brack);
+      mol.translate (points[LEFT]);
-  mol.translate (points[LEFT]);
+  }
   return mol.smobbed_copy ();
   should move to lookup?
@@ -842,6 +906,7 @@ ADD_INTERFACE (Tuplet_bracket,
                "note-columns "
                "padding "
                "tuplet-number "
+               "tuplet-slur "
                "scripts "
                "shorten-pair "
                "staff-padding "
diff --git a/scm/define-grob-properties.scm b/scm/define-grob-properties.scm
index 34450a9..d34a416 100644
--- a/scm/define-grob-properties.scm
+++ b/scm/define-grob-properties.scm
@@ -1135,6 +1135,8 @@ direction and it is associated with a @code{ScriptColumn} object.
 @code{0.0} means centered on the note head (the default position of
 most scripts); @code{1.0} means centered on the stem.  Interpolated
 values are possible.")
+     (tuplet-slur ,boolean? "Draw a slur instead of a bracket for
      (transparent ,boolean? "This makes the grob invisible.")
diff --git a/scm/define-grobs.scm b/scm/define-grobs.scm
index a04e070..fceb313 100644
--- a/scm/define-grobs.scm
+++ b/scm/define-grobs.scm
@@ -2611,6 +2611,7 @@
         (staff-padding . 0.25)
         (stencil . ,ly:tuplet-bracket::print)
         (thickness . 1.6)
+        (tuplet-slur . #f)
         (vertical-skylines . ,grob::unpure-vertical-skylines-from-stencil)
         (X-positions . ,ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-x-positions)

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