> On 3 Feb 2017, at 21:51, David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> On Fri 03 Feb 2017 at 20:23:07 (+0100), Hans Åberg wrote:
>> FYI, here are two versions with the repeat combined fro visual comarison. In 
>> the first, there is a terminating repeat sign, in the second none.
> Well, the second version (B) is just plain wrong, isn't it.

Indeed. I tried that first, but immediately went for something better.

> Comparing yesterday's version (2 and 4 separate) and A (2&4 together),
> I'd maintain that A describes the music more faithfully, and is
> actually easier to read: when you reach 15 on the 4th-time through,
> you've not only played all the measures involved, but you only have
> to vault over one volta bracket, not two.

It is logically wrong, because the last note, even though the same, belongs to 
different sections. So I decided to keep them separate.

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