> On 21 Jan 2017, at 18:32, Lodewijk de Vries <lodewijk.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hans, I'd could use some help getting the right papersize, when this issue is 
> solved. Thanks!
> - Lodewijk

Looked a bit more into it…. and found that there is an easier way than tweaking 
the papersize (which does generate a bunch of intermediate files alongside the 
PNG that you’re after…. but at least it gives you a cleanly trimmed png):

Just include 
\include "lilypond-book-preamble.ly”
at the top of your lilypond file. So e.g.

\include "lilypond-book-preamble.ly"

\relative c'' {
  c2 d='4 d
  e2 f

It yields a png trimmed to exactly the music that was present in your file

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