"Trevor Daniels" <t.dani...@treda.co.uk> writes:

> David, you wrote Thursday, January 19, 2017 10:18 AM
>> it would appear that my excursion into a regular workplace ended up
>> somewhat shortlived.
> Really sorry to hear that, but it's great to have you back!
>> So for the short time range, I am again dependent 
>> on support by other LilyPond lovers.
> I'll definitely turn on my financial contribution again.

Very much appreciated.

>> So what's next on my agenda?  
>> One somewhat long-standing goal was to remove LilyPond's own
>> implementation of a Rational data type and replace it by one based on
>> Guile's arbitrary-precision arithmetic.
> Worthwhile, but best left for 2.21 I think.

Well, the 2.20 release stoppers of course should be tackled.  Step 1
IIRC was to contact the persons last having worked on three issues you
identified.  Uhm, I'd be glad to leave that in Graham's hand, at least
until it's clear that addressing those issues will have to be done by
somebody else.

And the Moment/Rational/Midi-gc stuff is already in reasonable state of
progress in private branches so I don't want to let it get cold.

But of course it is an open question whether it makes sense to admit it
into 2.20.0 (or was the first version 2.20.1).  More likely than not,
not.  So that already gives an incentive for branching off the 2.20
release branch very soon.

>> I am glad that I'll be able to provide technical support and
>> expertise at least for a while and thus hopefully help Graham pick up
>> the reins of the overall project governance a bit better.
> Excellent!
>> And, of course, this is an opportunity to try putting out the 2.20
>> release finally.
> Definitely the top priority, IMO.
>> But at any rate, I hope to be on board at least for making LilyPond 2.20
>> a thing.
> :)
> Trevor

David Kastrup

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