On 14.01.2017 18:22, David Kastrup wrote:
Amir Teymuri <amirteym...@gmx.de> writes:
i am a new lilypond user. How can i hide / remove barlines completely?
When i set \override Score.BarLine in each upper and lower staffes of a
piano staff only the line on the systems will be overriden but not the
line between upper and lower systems. Attached is how it lookes like
and my code.
\omit Score.SpanBar as well?
Some more hints:
\omit Context.Grob
is a shortcut for
\override Context.Grob.stencil = ##f
Also, if you don’t want any barlines in your score at all, you might
want to put the overrides in a layout block on top level:
\layout {
\context {
\omit SpanBar
\context {
\omit BarLine
That way you don’t have to put the override in each individual staff.
HTH, Simon
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