On Sat 14 Jan 2017 at 10:58:58 (+0100), Simon Albrecht wrote:
> On 14.01.2017 08:05, Menu Jacques wrote:
> >Hello folks,
> >
> >In this example (from Gabrieli, faked time signature), is the
> >second alternative's first measure to be numbered 3, or 2?
> I can basically think of three options:
> 2 – if you don’t count repeated bars twice
> 2a – to stress that it’s an alternative to bar 2 (or 2b as
> alternative to 2a)
> 4 – if you do count repeated bars twice
> Personally, I prefer the third option (4), since it corresponds to
> the reality of the sounding music, and bar numbers better hint the
> actual proportions of the piece.
> I get the logic behind numbering it 3, but I still find that
> confusing, since there would be no possible setting where bar ‘3’ is
> played after bar ‘2’, if you get my point.
> Unfortunately, LilyPond doesn’t support the third option…

I don't understand the last sentence. What's wrong with...

\version "2.19.44"

\relative g' {
  \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible
  \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible

  \time 4/2
  \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 2/2

  \repeat volta 2 {
    g2 r8  g8 [  bes8  c8 ]
    d2 c2 |

  \alternative {
      \partial 1
      d'4  d4.  bes8 a4 |
      \set Score.currentBarNumber = #4
      d4  d4.  bes8  a4
      g8 d'8 [  b8  c8 ]  d2 |

  \bar "|."
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