> Unfortunately I ran into this very issue, changing from Debian
> stable (in the Linux Mint Debian Edition incarnation) to vanilla
> Debian testing. I did this because the PyQt5 packages in stable are
> too old to run current Frescobaldi from its Git repository.  Now
> that I managed to get Frescobaldi running again I can't build
> LilyPond anymore because in Debian testing I don't have guile 1.8
> anymore :-(
> For working *with* LilyPond it's not much of an issue to use the
> releases, but I can't work *on* LilyPond right now ...

Mhmm, compiling and installing guile 1.8 is not rocket science...
Have you tried that already?

Maybe we have to bite the bullet and distribute guile 1.8 together
with lilypond.  I know that this is a step into the wrong direction
since it doesn't force the guile maintainers to improve guile 2.x so
that lilypond can use it...


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