Am 03.01.2017 um 17:01 schrieb Alexander Kobel:
> On 2017-01-03 16:27, Urs Liska wrote:
>> Just for reference, attached you'll find my preliminary result with a 
>> compound slur that is somewhat more "mainstream" than the original Sorabji 
>> example :-)
> Geez! Apparently there's not just a need for irrational tuplets, but also 
> Bézier curves of arbitrary degrees for slurs! Some NURBS anyone? ;-)
> I assume you joined two slurs for that huge one due to the lack of better 
> options?

Internally that's what happens. But by now it's not necessary anymore to
fiddle around with this (and especially keeping the slur ends in sync).
Last September I wrote a function \compoundSlur (which is in
openLilyLIb, but still on a branch) which you apply instead of a slur
start and where you can configure the inflection points. The current
compound slur has been defined like this:

\compoundSlur \with {
  annotate = ##t
  show-grid = ##t

  start-point = #'(0.5 . -17)
  start-angle = -15
  start-ratio = 0.4
  end-point = #'(0 . 0)
  end-angle = -90
  end-ratio = 0.06

  inflection =
  #'((X-ratio . .11)
     (Y-offset . 5)
     (angle . 35)
     (ratio-left . 0.9)
     (ratio-right . 0.16))

I reattach a rendering *with* both the grid and the helper crosses and
lines which significantly helps with shaping such a curve. The
interesting point is that you can add an arbitrary number of inflection
points like this, and the function will automatically make sure the
segments are well connected, and with a straight line (i.e. the neighbor
control points are in exactly opposite directions).

You can read more about that in a thread "What to do wanting a 4th order
Bézier?" and one "Compound Slurs", both from last September.


> Cheers,
> Alexander


Attachment: compound-slur-example-ravel-ondine-62.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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