On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 11:20 AM, David Nalesnik
<david.nales...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmmm....
> I'm having misgivings about the idea of fixed space between symbols.
> Looking at several Breitkopf & Härtel parts, I see rests spaced to
> fill available space.  Though, because spacing is compact, we never
> see the awful behavior Jan-Peter's example reveals.
> http://imslp.org/wiki/Symphony_No.2,_Op.73_(Brahms,_Johannes)#Parts
> http://imslp.org/wiki/Symphony_No.1,_Op.21_(Beethoven,_Ludwig_van)#Parts
> Instead of having fixed spacing between symbols, would it be better to
> have a limit on how much a rest can be stretched?  This would be
> expressed in staff-spaces (like the current minimum which is
> hard-coded as 1 staff-space).
> ------------------------------------------------
> Another observation from the parts cited above:
> LilyPond creates an 8-bar church rest (rests.M3) which is a composite
> of 2 four-bar symbols (rests.M2): see
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/the-feta-font#rest-glyphs
>  The cited parts do use a composite glyph, rather two normally spaces
> 4-bar symbols.:

Oh my. "The cited parts don't use a composite glyph, rather two
normally spaced 4-bar symbols."

> In the following, we get an 8-bar symbol followed by a whole rest.
> Should there be at least an option to have this expressed as three
> equally-spaced symbols: 4 + 4 + 1?
> \version "2.19.53"
> {
>   \compressFullBarRests
>   R1*9
> }

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