Hi Greg,

thanks for replying.

Am 30.12.2016 um 22:21 schrieb Gregrs:
> > If you feel the urge or have anything to share please feel free to get
> > in touch with me.
> Hi Urs,
> I may be able to write a post about my experience of using LilyPond to
> engrave a musical that I wrote. I also used git for version control, GNU
> make for bulk compiling, LaTeX for front matter and pdftk to concatenate
> PDFs.
> It may be some time before I get time, but would this be useful?

I think there will definitely be something useful in this, but in your
case we should make sure not to simply repeat the stuff that has been
promoted generously on our blog. Concretely, from the short impression
your description gives, I would think something focusing on the *user
experience* and/or something giving information on the idea of a
*toolchain* might be fruitful.

I don't know how regularly you have followed the blog so far, but if you
tell me (maybe privately) a little more in what direction you might go I
can give you some hints which posts to have a look at before proceeding.


> Thanks,
> Greg

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