Greetings All,


I have a lot of two note chords that are tied over, and would like to have
the upper tie always go up and the lower tie down. This is in the context of
a given voice. I am aware that one can specify individual directions for
individual notes in a chord, but for this use case, is there any way one
could make a function of some sort to have lilypond always do the up and
down connection automatically, when commanded, as per the second tied pair
in the simple example? That would be a real time saver for me.


\version "2.19.53"




  <d' f'> ~ <d' f'>

  <d' _~ f' ^~> <d' f'>



[Needless to say, it would be useful to be able to specify an up down
pattern for chords of three, four, or more notes as well.]







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