Did the mail not get through? I didn’t receive it from the list. (It
can’t possibly have been due to a 180kB image?) This gives me
opportunity to fix the attachments – I only just noticed that the image
belonged to a previous state of the file. (Also, with 100dpi, the image
has only 21kB…)
I added the information to the oll tracker issue as well.
Best, Simon
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: shapeII debugging
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 18:46:03 +0100
From: Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de>
To: Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org>, lilypond-user@gnu.org, Andrew
Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com>
On 23.12.2016 12:08, Urs Liska wrote:
Am 23.12.2016 um 11:49 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
Maybe try \shapeII from openlilylib as well, it’s much more comfortable
to use, though in my experience sadly it messes with system/staff
placement in a way that makes it unusable.
Could you please elaborate a little bit on that, possible with examples?
It would be great to fix everything with \shapeII and finally bring that
functionality to LilyPond itself.
My ‘minimal’ example file is the attached one. Last time I tried to get
to the source of the problem I found this tracker issue [1] and came to
the conclusion that a fix would require integration of shapeII deep in
the C++ LilyPond code to circumvent the really fundamental problems
hinted there.
Presumably the difference between your user experiences and mine has to
do with the bug only (?) occuring with the (head x x) option.
And certainly I agree that it would be marvelous to see the
functionality in LilyPond proper, with this bug fixed.
Best, Simon
[1] <https://github.com/openlilylib/snippets/issues/24>
\version "2.19.47"
\include "notation-snippets/shaping-bezier-curves/shapeII.ily"
#(ly:set-option 'debug-skylines #t)
\paper {
%annotate-spacing = ##t
#(set-paper-size "a5landscape")
shapeII =
#(define-music-function (all-specs item) (list? symbol-list-or-music?)
(propertyTweak 'color red item))
right = \relative {
r4 \shapeII #'((h 0 1.2)(p 30 0.4)(p 30 0.4)(h)) Slur r8 g'( fis4) r8 g(
fis4) r8 g( fis4) r8 g(
fis4) r8 fis r2
left = \relative {
\score {
\new Staff = "right" \right
\new Staff = "left" \left
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