On Thu 22 Dec 2016 at 19:30:13 (+0100), Mirosław Doroszewski wrote:
> Exporting to image file in LilyPond version 2.18.2.
> 1. Command line help tells that lilypond can export prints not only to
> pdf but also to png format.
> 2. Command line help does not tell how set resolution for image
> format. I have found the setting in Learning help file. The setting
> is: "lilypond --png -dresolution=300".
> 3. I have used lilypond a few years ago and I remember that it is
> possible to export not only into separate pages but also each system
> into separate image files.
> 4. How one can do that in command line?

Page 481 of the Notation Reference: add
 -dclip-systems -fpng
to the command line, and modify your \layout with

  \layout {
    clip-regions =
       (make-rhythmic-location 0 0 1)
       (make-rhythmic-location 9999 0 1)


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  • [no subject] MirosÅ‚aw Doroszewski
    • Re: Export to PNGs David Wright

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