2016-12-21 18:50 GMT+01:00 Mirosław Doroszewski
> Rests in polyphonic and simple music in the same staff in LilyPond
> version 2.18.2.
> 1. In polyphonic music there are at least 2 voices in a staff.
> 2. It implies placing at least 2 rests in the staff.
> 3. It happens that composer wants to simplify notation of notes and
> rests to be seen like one voice music.
> 4. It is set by command \oneVoice, and unset by commands \voiceOne,
> \voiceTwo etc.
> 5. But when notation of rests are simplified in every voices, too:
> i.e. c'4 \oneVoice r \voiceOne ... — an error occurs: "rest direction
> not set".
> 6. Solution: simplifying visibility of rests only for first voice by
> command \oneVoice, and writing s instead of r in every other voices,
> i.e.:
> voiceI = { \relative c' { \voiceOne e4 e f \oneVoice r \voiceOne } }
> voiceII = { \relative c' { \voiceTwo c4 c d s } }
> \score { \new Staff <<
>   \new Voice = "1" { \voiceI }
>   \new Voice = "2" { \voiceII }
>   >>
> }

That's one possible and well known approach.
Why do you post it?
Can be found at several places in the archives.


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