Staff breaking in unmetered music in LilyPond version 2.18.2.

1. On the basis of received solution for automatically staff breaking
in unmetered music I propose using variables:

unmetered = {
  \set Score.defaultBarType = #""
  \set Score.barAlways = ##t
metered = {
  \unset Score.defaultBarType
  \unset Score.barAlways
\relative c' {

2. These variables can be named: unmeteredOn, unmeteredOff.
3. When \unmetered is set after \repeat volta 2 { … }, then the repeat
command does not put repeat barline at the end of a repeat
4. Solution: putting repeat barline after the repeat, i.e.: \repeat
volta 2 { … } \bar ":|." \unmetered { … }.
5. Supposing: per analogiam, when \unmetered is before \metered it
might be done the same way: putting repeat barline after a repeat.

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