On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 5:24 PM, Gianmaria Lari <gianmarial...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm editing a score where I would like to specify "8va".
> If I write
> \version "2.19.52"
> {
>   \ottava #1
>   a b
> }
> lilypond creates a score with the text 8va---- but it also shifts the notes
> one lower octave. So to avoid the shift I also had to specify a \transpose.
> I have seen that the manual says this is what should happen but isn't this
> strange? Sorry if the question is naif.
> Thank you, g.

I don't think this is strange at all.  You write the pitch you intend
to hear, and the ottava bracket shifts its notation to a more legible

The nice thing about this is you can remove the ottava, and the notes
will pop back into their sounding octave.  Or you can change \ottava
#1 to \ottava #2 without altering the notes.

Hope this explains it--


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