Hi Freddy,

On 12 December 2016 at 12:20, Freddy Ouellette <freddy.ouelle...@gmail.com>

> The table of contents seems to list its items by the order in which they
> were evaluated by the parser, and not by where they actually appear in the
> book... Is there a way to avoid this?
> for example, even though partB comes AFTER partA in the book, and the
> PAGES in the table of contents are right, partB comes listed first in the
> TOC which is very annoying, simply because it was evaluated first.
How about if you put part A before part B? That works fine.

partA =
\bookpart {
  \tocItem "PART A"
  \new Staff {
    c4 d e f

partB =
\bookpart {
  \tocItem "PART B"
  \new Staff {
    c4 d e f


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