On 2016-12-07 23:59, Thomas Morley wrote:
2016-12-07 22:03 GMT+01:00 Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de>:
On 07.12.2016 11:45, Alexander Kobel wrote:

I'm not sure whether Harm's proof of concept also involved
pre-compile-time modifications.

It certainly didn’t; Harm is a Schemer, not a C++ guy :-)


So here a very first shot.
For now I let display the new _and_ the colored default LyricHyphen.
You'll see a drawback already: In tight situations the default gets
shortened until it vanishs. This is not possible or at least not
desirable for characters taken from a font, imho.
Iirc this was already mentioned in the discussion the tracker links to.
Maybe minimum-distance may help here, not tested though.

AFAICS for now: Works like a charm. Thanks a ton again.

And with this, all of this week's issues of mine are worked around, and I can proudly present a beautiful little setting of a beautiful little piece by Reger... :-)


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