2016-12-09 4:56 GMT+01:00 Joel C. Salomon <joelcsalo...@gmail.com>:
> I’ve been using a variant of the LSR 357 “centered dynamics” template
> from <http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=357>, but I notice that the
> documentation says:
>> This snippet demonstrates how this was achieved with older versions
>> of LilyPond; the Dynamics context is now included by default (starting
>> with LilyPond 2.13.29), and does not require to be defined manually.
> What does this mean?

Hi Joel,

the description is misleading.
In older lily-version (2.12.3 and before) there was the need to create
the Dynamics-context manually. See
Scroll down to
Piano template with centered dynamics
to see how it was made.
Nowadays the Dynamics-context is implemented per default in the source.

I'll fix the lsr-doc as soon as I can find some spare time.

> Is there another method recommended for centered
> dynamics marks suitable for newer versions of LilyPond?

Actually, the snippet shows the the recommended method for up-to-date versions.

> (The linked example in the LilyPond documentation does not show dynamics at 
> all.)

Scroll down to
Piano template with centered dynamics


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