Here is a version I created with Denemo - I've cut out some verbosity. I didn't tackle the custom time signature and I forget how you alter the order of the horizontal displacements (someone kindly told me on this list once :( ). Tie re-shaping is required, which is here done via the most primitive method - there are some \shape commands for hand crafting shapes.
HTH Richard On Thu, 2016-12-08 at 09:51 +0000, Phil Holmes wrote: > > Use three voices instead of chords. You can play with different > voices to see which you prefer, and adjust the position of the notes > as described in the Learning Manual. You will probably also want to > move the tie somewhat. > > -- > Phil Holmes > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Carlo Stemberger > To: Mailinglist lilypond-user > Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2016 9:13 AM > Subject: Help with ties > > > Hello, > > could you help me in transcribing the attached file, please? > > > This is my attempt: > ----- > \version "2.18.2" > > global = { > \key as \major > \time 2/2 > } > > right = \relative c' { > \global > << > { > es'2( des4 c > des2 c) > } \\ > { > <es, as>1 ~ > as4 g as2 % FIXME: missing e > } > >> > } > > left = \relative c' { > \global > << > { > as1 > es > } \\ > { > c2 bes4 as > bes2 as > } > >> > } > > \score { > \new PianoStaff << > \new Staff = "right" \right > \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass \left } > >> > } > ----- > > > > Thank you very much! > > > Carlo > > > ______________________________________________________________ > > _______________________________________________ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ > lilypond-user mailing list > >
%% LilyPond file generated by Denemo version 2.0.15 %% \version "2.18.0" AutoBarline = {} AutoEndMovementBarline = \bar "|." % The music follows MvmntIVoiceI = { \voiceThree <>-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-8.17 . -0.65) ^\markup\scale #'(1 . 1)\column{\line{\bold {Calmo}} } ees''2( des''4 c''\AutoBarline des''2 c'') \AutoEndMovementBarline } MvmntIVoiceII = { \voiceFour \shape #'((0.5 . 0.5) (0 . 0.5) (0 . 0.5) (-0.5 . 0.5)) Tie \once \override Tie #'control-points = #'((2.24 . -0.62) (4.13 . -1.66) (7.96 . -1.66) (10.89 . -0.62)) aes'1~ \AutoBarline aes'4 g' aes'2 \AutoEndMovementBarline } MvmntIVoiceIII = { \voiceTwo ees'1~ \AutoBarline ees' \AutoEndMovementBarline } MvmntIVoiceIV = { \voiceOne aes1\AutoBarline ees \AutoEndMovementBarline } MvmntIVoiceV = { \voiceFour c2 bes,4 aes,\AutoBarline bes,2 aes, \AutoEndMovementBarline } %Default Score Layout \score { %Start of Movement << \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano" %Start of Staff \new Staff = "Piano_RH" << \new Voice = "VoiceIMvmntI" { \clef treble \key aes \major \time 2/2 \MvmntIVoiceI } %End of voice \new Voice = "VoiceIIMvmntI" { \MvmntIVoiceII } %End of voice \new Voice = "VoiceIIIMvmntI" { \MvmntIVoiceIII } %End of voice >> %End of Staff %Start of Staff \new Staff = "Piano_LH" << \new Voice = "VoiceIVMvmntI" { \clef bass \key aes \major \time 2/2 \MvmntIVoiceIV } %End of voice \new Voice = "VoiceVMvmntI" { \MvmntIVoiceV } %End of voice >> %End of Staff >>%Brace End >> } %End of Movement
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