Maybe some confusion here:

Paul Scott wrote:
J L wrote:


A known fact

not known by all.  I did discover this for 2.4.

is that Lilypond 2.2.5 hides the tempo mark.

This was a bug that appeared in 2.2.5 and was fixed in 2.2.6. The problems that Paul reported a couple of days ago are completely unrelated. A small example showing Pauls problem is \version "2.4" \relative c' { \tempo 4=100 R1 c4 d e f } What happens is that the metronome indication is not typeset when you have a multi measure rest. I''ll send a followup to the bug report.

>> So is it possible to
place the \tempo inside the \markup thingy if I want the tempo mark appearing beside the directions for later versions?

In 2.4.0 \tempo marks appear if there is other markup in the same place. I get it to appear with something like \markup{ " " }


normally in 2.2.5....

....some music....
\tempo 4 = 72
a^\markup {\large\bold {A Direction} \note #"4" #0.65 { = 72 }}

If you don't care about MIDI output, simply skip the \tempo instruction and only use the \markup. If you want correct tempo in the MIDI output but only the \markup in the printed output, try something like \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t


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