>So, in my experience as a professional (web) designer, I’d go for something 
>that works without JS, but also/better with. (Bootstrap is one candidate.)

My new design uses bootstrap 4 entirely with a little bit of css to
adjust fonts, colors and create the footer.

On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 3:12 AM, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> Regarding the font: While I find it acceptable for most of the text,
>> I’d prefer something different for titles, esp. the main title.
> You have to be more specific.  I like the current font look of
> http://jmroper.com/lilypond because it is very uniform, not
> distracting from the contents.
>    Werner

John Roper
Freelance Developer and Simulation Artist
Boston, MA USA

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