On 11/29/2016 10:35 AM, Shane Brandes wrote:
> I tend to notice first because they have words and not fancy paintings, and 
> therefore immediately understandable information.

You're not alone in this. Here's Basecamp's Jason Fried writing in Inc. 
magazine. To me, it seems like an echo of LilyPond's text-centric design 

"I've always found it interesting that some of the most popular sites on 
the Web--Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, Wikipedia, to name a few--are often 
very heavy on the text and very light on the imagery. These sites won't 
win any design awards, but they seem to communicate very clearly to 
their intended audience. They don't try too hard; they just are what 
they are. There's no shame in that."

Full article: 

And, the non-overdesigned Basecamp website: https://basecamp.com/about
Karlin High
Missouri, USA
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