
I really like what you did too, but I share the worries I read in this
thread as well. I've tried the dutch translation and it is clear that is
auto-translated. My main language is Dutch I find it almost unreadable in

My main issue with the current lilypond website is that it is not mobile
Your design certainly fixed that, which is a big plus!
Another big plus is the use of big fonts. No more leaning down towards the
screen to see if that dot is there or not. Even if the lilypond-site would
not use a CMS, I think we certainly can learn from your design and
implement it in any system (most is CSS anyway).

Good work!


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2016-11-29 8:40 GMT+01:00 Henning Hraban Ramm <lilypon...@fiee.net>:

> Am 2016-11-29 um 02:33 schrieb John Roper <johnroper...@gmail.com>:
> > I have thought about the no scripts idea, and I belive that right now,
> there are not many websites that do not use javascript for some
> functionality. Wordpress it's self is almost entirely built upon javascript
> and php and it makes up >25% of all websites online (
> https://martechtoday.com/wordpress-used-on-25-percent-
> of-all-websites-report-151115). Even the lilypond blog runs on wordpress.
> The blog is not an official part of the LilyPond project.
> LilyPond’s website gets build with LilyPond’s build process. In several
> languages at once. From version managed sources.
> Can you build a Wordpress site with make or other automatable command line
> tools? No, you can’t.
> Are you willing to spend your time fixing security bugs of Wordpress? I
> wouldn’t.
> Please look up several previous discussions about new website designs that
> took place on the LilyPond mailing lists, before you invest more time.
> Greetlings, Hraban
> ---
> fiëé visuëlle
> Henning Hraban Ramm
> http://www.fiee.net
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