Am 27.11.2016 um 12:00 schrieb Urs Liska:
> I *think* what is necessary here is an "engraver". This will process
> the stuff in a second run-through and can determine what happens in
> other contexts at the same time.
> Probably too complicated if you're not already familiar with Scheme,
> but worth the effort for your use case, I think. There may be people
> on this list who can help with that.
> Could become a useful snippet for LSR or openLilyLib.

One more thought: if that engraver runs over the lyrics (and not the
music) there shouldn't be a real issue with melismas. If there's a lyric
syllable there should be an associated note, and that can be looked into.


> Urs
> Am 27. November 2016 03:20:10 MEZ, schrieb Jack Mackenzie
> <>:
>     I worried that it might involve Scheme. I should certainly
>     investigate it but I'm already extremely out of my depth! The
>     material is simple but as I'm planning on compiling between
>     100-200 songs using up to 5 notes (for Kodaly/Orff-style music
>     programmes), if the lyrics idea could work, I'd like to be able to
>     do it.
>     Thanks for your input!
>     On 27 November 2016 at 02:11, Andrew Bernard
>     < <>> wrote:
>         Hi Jack,
>         So, in such simple music probably no melisma. I don't work
>         with lyrics but you would have to write a Scheme function for
>         the lyrics that computes the pitch of the associated note and
>         figures out the corresponding colour. Is it worth the
>         complexity for such simple works?
>         However, others may already have frameworks for such a
>         function. We will see!
>         Andrew
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