I am transcribing music from the 1500s. I would like to include the
original facsimile in my arrangement as EPS files that take up entire
pages. These EPS files are dispersed between the pieces. I have to create
separate bookparts for them because I need to have \paper blocks - I don't
want my normal footer on these pages. Is there a way I can create a dynamic
bookpart that does all of my formatting for me, but simply has a different
EPS file per part? This is what I want:

\book {
  \bookpart {
    \score {
      % arranged music...

  \facsimile_page #140 #"eps_file.eps"}

and this function will insert this bookpart :

\bookpart {
  \markup \null
  \header {}
  \paper {
    bookTitleMarkup = ##f

    evenHeaderMarkup = \markup \fill-line { \epsfile #X #130
#"***eps_file.eps***" }
    oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \fill-line { \epsfile #X #130
#"***eps_file.eps***" }
    evenFooterMarkup = \markup {
      \fill-line {
        \column { \vspace #-63 \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string }
    oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
      \fill-line {
        \column { \vspace #-63 \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string }

Is it possible to use Scheme/Guile to create this bookpart each time I call
the function? Any time I try to create a function like this, the page just
doesn't show up at all.

Thanks for any help.

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