Hi, lilyponders:
I try "italiano" to transcribe a music score because the original is in numeric
"do re mi". It works fine until I try to code chord names. I got unrecongized
string error. But I change the language to "english", there is no error.
Question: what is the coding chordnames in language "italiano"?
Thanks for the help,Ming
Starting lilypond-windows.exe 2.19.50 [Untitled]...Processing
error: unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode s4 b1:m b1:m c1
error: syntax error, unexpected : s4 b1 :m b1:m c1 g1
error: unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode s4 b1:m b1:m c1
error: unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode s4 b1:m b1:m c1
error: unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode s4 b1:m b1:m c1
error: errors found, ignoring music expression \new ChordNames
\chordNamesfatal error: failed files:
with return code 1.
\version "2.19.50"
\language "english"
chordNames = \chordmode {
s4 b1:m b1:m c1 g1 %m00-04
\score {
\new ChordNames \chordNames
\version "2.19.50"
\language "italiano"
chordNames = \chordmode {
s4 b1:m b1:m c1 g1 %m00-04
\score {
\new ChordNames \chordNames
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