
FWIW, I just tested your example on a perfectly up-to-date Arch Linux setup (still my first Arch installation, regularly "pacman -Syu"-updated since appx. 4 years), with Lily 2.19.50. No problems at all - find the output attached.

On your last update, did you realize the news at

about the DejaVu font update? You should, because it was one of the very few occasions where you had to manually force an upgrade of a package. But anyway, DejaVu is not used in your MWE, so it /should/ not be related.

Also, I should mention that I use the Infinality bundle:
Again, this /should/ not affect anything, but you never know.


On 2016-11-12 09:02, Andrew Bernard wrote:
Hi Michael,

As a very long-time Linux, I have used pretty much all the major distro's. I
had a go with Arch for a while because I like their build it yourself
philosophy. But eventually I found, along with very many others, that
updates get out of hand and things start to fall apart and become very hard
to correct. Sounds like the font machinery on Arch has destabilised, at
least in the context of lilypond. Are you able, as a matter of
troubleshooting, to try on a different Linux distro?

Perhaps look into the change history for fontconfig on Arch. Possibly revert
to an earlier fontconfig?

Your MWE compiles fine under 2.19.50 on Linux Mint KDE.


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