Try \set tieWaitForNotes = ##t
Am 11. November 2016 08:59:23 MEZ, schrieb Mojca Miklavec
>I don't know how to explain in proper terms what I want to achieve,
>but I hope that it will be clear from the example below (I would be
>grateful for a proper English term for this as well :).
>I wrote the same thing twice. The second alternative works, but looks
>ugly to me. I would like to use the first alternative (which is a bit
>of cheating), but ties don't work properly there, most likely lilypond
>has problems interpreting where the tie should point to.
>Is there any better workaround?
>\version "2.19.30"
>\language "deutsch"
>melody = \fixed c' {
> \time 2/4
> \key b \major
> % first alternative: this doesn't work
> << {f'2~} {s8 d'4.~} {s4 b4~} {s4. g8} >> |
> <f b d' f'>4. r8 |
> << {f'2~} {s8 es'4.~} {s4 a4~} {s4. g8} >> |
> <f a es' f'>4. r8 |
> % second alternative: this works
> f'8~ <d' f'>8~ <b d' f'>8~ <g b d' f'>8~ |
> <f b d' f'>4. r8 |
> f'8~ <es' f'>8~ <a es' f'>~ <g a es' f'>8~ |
> <f a es' f'>4. r8 |
>\new PianoStaff <<
> \new Voice = "melody" {
> \melody
> }
>(I could cheat with slurs, but I have no clue how to use them in this
>Thank you,
> Mojca
>(please CC me)
>lilypond-user mailing list
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