Dear David,
my sincere thanks for your past and ongoing work and dedication for
Lilypond (and other FOSS, by the way). We are well aware that our
donations could not sustain you in the long run. As always in such
situations, it's a pity for the community to hear that an important
member of the dev team has to move on, but I guess we all do understand
your reasons and support your decision. Actually, I'm surprised that you
managed to tolerate the status quo for so long, and I'm glad that you
seem to have found an apt employment. Good luck with the commuting,
On a personal note: I think you are too pessimistic about your abilities
in leading and managing. I've only scratched the varnish of the very
surface of Lilypond's development, but I silently followed many
conversations. I doubt that any different attitude or communication
style would have led to any "more successful" outcome in recruiting or
motivating. I've seen many sincere discussions in rough tones, including
ones about your opinions and personality, but in the end I can't
remember many occasions when other developers did not eventually
appreciate the fact that issues were discussed openly. And I've never
felt doubts by anyone about your dedication and motivation for the
common goal, despite of disagreements in the execution.
There is no team working together over such a long time without
discussions, disputes and arguments - the art is settling them, and
approaching new tasks (and the same people) with an open mind. When I
remember the few pictures I saw from the personal developer meetings at
your place, I feel that you are way better in social affairs than you
might think. And I'll miss your humor on those lists...
All the best in your future endeavors!
Thanks again,
lilypond-user mailing list