Am 07.11.2016 um 10:49 schrieb mclaren:
> Yes, I think you're right that an svg file is superior to a png file. In the
> svg file, all the objects are resolution-independent. So the score and its
> components can be scaled arbitrarily without raterizing degradation.
> It's remarkably easy to enter these kinds of scores using a MIDI sequencer,
> and remarkably difficult to generate these kinds of scores using
> conventional computer notation programs. That's why Lilypond is such a
> godsend there. At least Lilypond make it possible to generate these kinds of
> score.
> (To enter these kinds of things using a MIDI sequencer, you just figure out
> the number of ticks per quarter-note for each tuplet and enter it. If we're
> using a timebase of 480 ticks per quarter-note, then an 12:11 quarter-note
> has 11/13(480) ticks, or 406.15 ticks. This means that every 7 13:11
> quarter-notes you add one tick. To enter notes of these length in any MIDI
> sequencer, you merely choose STEP ENTRY and then pick the note-length, 406
> ticks, and enter the note. It's trivial.)

You should be aware that this approach will only *really* work as long
as your ticks relate to rational numbers. Approximation and quantizing
will not work when the handling is actually about *equal* values. This
holds for your "should be close enough" comments as well in irrational
meter issues.

This is probably the better answer to your question "why can't moments
be just floating point numbers?". They can't because we have to deal
with the question whether two moments are equal or not, and floating
point numbers don't provide that really.


> Since the function of the score is for analysis rather than performance,
> it's unimportant whether Lilypond crashes as long as we can generate
> something that can be patched together as a png or svg file and then
> printed.  
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