Well, it's proving tricky to me, anyway.

I have a note which needs to have "pizz." printed above it, and "(non
sf)" below.

The code below, of course, puts both markings with their left edges
aligned with the note.

        \version "2.19.48"

        \language "english"

        nonsf = \markup { \larger \italic "(non " \dynamic sf \larger \italic 
")" }
        pizz = \markup { \larger \italic "pizz." }

        { e'_\nonsf^\pizz }

That positioning of "pizz." is fine, but I want the "non sf" marking to
be centred under the note.

If I use

\once \override TextScript.self-alignment-X = #0

then both markings move to the left, as I expected.  So I conclude that
what I want has to be done with a 'tweak'.

Unfortunately, try as I might, I can't seem to get the syntax right to
achieve this - I always get a lot of errors and warnings.

Can it be done, and if so how?


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