On 10/29/16 3:29 AM, "Chris Yate" <chrisy...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On 29 Oct 2016 04:39, "Carl Sorensen" <c_soren...@byu.edu> wrote:
>> I have worked some more on the augmentation dot algorithms, including
>>adding the directions (/DotsUp, /DotsDown).
>> I would like your opinion on whether the attached regression test,
>>which is different from the current development regression tests, is
>>correct.  I think it is, but I'd like your opinions.
>> Thanks,
>> Carl
>This specific multiphonic case? I think it is ok. But is there an
>argument for adding some horizontal space...?
>What happens with your new code with overlapping, rather than stacked
>notes? E.g. << <f a b c>4. // <a e,>2. >> (untested).
>I think from previous test cases it may become difficult to understand
>which dots behind to which notes. IIRC there's an outstanding bug about
>horizontal positioning in this situation.

I have searched the issue tracker for all open issues with dot in the
title.  I haven't found any bug report looking for changes in horizontal
positioning. If you can find it, I'll be happy to look into it, even
though I don't think it's part of this same issue.



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