
> Am 2016-10-27 13:40, schrieb David Kastrup:
>> while the documentation is quite explicit that, ordered from top to
>> bottom, assignments should be more like
>> 1/2, 3/1/2, 3/1/2/4, 5/3/1/2/4, 5/3/1/2/4/6 ...
>> namely keeping the small voice numbers for the inner voices.
> Are you sure? I always understood this as 1/3/5/6/4/2, not 5/3/1/2/4/6
> (small numbers for outer voices).
>> Thoughts?
> In three part polyphony the << ... \\ ... \\ ... >> shortcut makes the
> third (inner voice) a \voiceThree which means upward stems (and other
> automatically set directions). But often one should wants downward
> stems, so one needs \voiceFour. This is unintentional because there
> are no four voices; and the ordering 1/3/5/6/4/2 is very confusing for
> beginners.
> Suggestion: change
>     << highest \\ lowest \\ second highest \\ second lowest \\ .. >>
> to
>     << highest ; second highest ; ... \\ ... ; second lowest ; lowest >>
> This would be a single \\ to separate upward and downward voices and ;
> (or some other symbol) to separate voices of the same kind.
> So
>     << vI \\ vIII \\ { \voiceFour vII } >>
> would become
>     << vI \\ vII ; vIII >>
> (vIII being the lowest voice)

lilypond-learning states:

       This example has just two voices, but the same construct may be used
    to encode three or more voices by adding more back-slash separators.

       The Voice contexts bear the names ‘"1"’, ‘"2"’, etc.  The first
    contexts set the _outer_ voices, the highest voice in context ‘"1"’ and
    the lowest voice in context ‘"2"’.  The inner voices go in contexts
    ‘"3"’ and ‘"4"’.  In each of these contexts, the vertical direction of
    slurs, stems, ties, dynamics etc., is set appropriately.

So yes, you are right.  Which also downs my \voiceUp \voiceDown
\voiceUpUp \voiceDownDown proposal and means it rather must be something
like \voiceUp \voiceDown \voiceUpInner \voiceDownInner or maybe
\voiceUp \voiceDown \inner \VoiceUp \inner \voiceDown
\inner \inner \VoiceUp ...

David Kastrup

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