On 10/26/16 9:28 AM, "Urs Liska" <u...@openlilylib.org> wrote:

>Am 26. Oktober 2016 06:14:42 GMT-07:00, schrieb Kieren MacMillan
>>Hi Urs,
>>> Anyone here saying that applying for this
>>https://developers.google.com/open-source/gci/ would make sense for
>>Is there an obvious reason why it wouldn¹t make sense?
>>(I don¹t know enough about that program to tell.)
>The question if it's reasonable for us to have one or more teenage
>students work on "bite-sized" challenges. And if that chance justifies
>the potentially significant work on our side.

If we had somebody who was willing to identify a list of 3-5 hour
challenges, it might be good not only for the Google Code-in project, but
also for a way of getting new developers involved.

However, organizing this is a lot of work, and we don't currently have
anybody with the time and inclination to do this, as far as I can see.

But I think anybody who is considering doing the effort to head up  a GCI
project list should understand that there is potential benefit beyond GCI.



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