Am 23.10.2016 um 06:29 schrieb Bernhard Kleine:
> Am 23.10.2016 um 00:11 schrieb Noeck:
>> Dear Bernhard,
>> you put the markup containing the eps file in your header block. This
>> can not work. You can think of the \header block like setting variables.
>> Code without a 'variable =' before it breaks the header block syntax. It
>> is not like where you put the header in your code there it is on paper.
>> It just collects the information for a header that is printed later - in
>> your case where you write \score.
>> You can either put it into a header variable like
>> \header {
>>   composer = \markup { ... \epsfile ... }
>>   ...
>> }
>> ...
>> Does that help you?
>> Joram
> Dear Joram,
> I found that the dedication field is better suited to my needs since it
> allows the image before the title of the song. However, the title is
> glued to the bottom of the image. How to change that?
> Thank you very much
> Bernhard
I enlarge the image with white space, that has solved this issue.
Thanks again

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