Hi Kieren et al.

to show you what I want:
=========================== snip =====================
\version "2.18.2"

hornI = {
 c''4 r c'' r
 g' r c' r
 \bar "|."

hornII = {
  g'4 r g'8 r c'' r
  r4 r e'8 g' c''4

hornIA = {
  c''4 b'4\rest c'' r
  g' b'4\rest c' r

hornIIA = {
  g'4 s g'8 r c'' r
  r4 s e'8 g' c''4

\score {
  \new Staff = "horn1"
    \new Voice = "horn1" {
  \new Staff = "horn2"
    \new Voice = "horn2" {
  \new Staff = "hornA"  % That's what I wanted
      \new Voice = "hornalternativeI" {
      \new Voice = "hornalternativeII" {
  \new Staff \with { printPartCombineTexts = ##f }
%   \partcombineApart \hornI \hornII    % does not work
   \partcombine \hornI \hornII
===================================== snap =============================

My compilation shows missing rests and notes combined to accords where

I also tried to work with tags:
===================================== snip =============================
pause = {
  \tag #'top {r}
  \tag #'bottom {s}

hornI = {
  c''4 h'4\rest c'' \pause4
  g' h'4\rest c' r
  \bar "|."

hornII = {
  g'4 s g'8 r c'' r
  r4 s e'8 g' c''4

\score {
  \new Staff = "horn"
    \new Voice = "horn1" {
      \keepWithTag #'oben \hornI
    \new Voice = "horn2" {
      \keepWithTag #'unten \hornII
===================================== snap =============================

But no success too. The "r" and "4" are not combined to "r4" and I don't
see how a construct like "b'4\rest" should be possible. I think it needs
a solution with parameters, so functions.

My intention is to print a single voice sheet and a partitura from the
same source files.


Am Freitag, den 21.10.2016, 09:10 -0400 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:
> Hi Werner,
> > - a "r4", if the instrument is on a single staff
> > - a "r4", if the instrument is \voiceOne but doesn't have this rest
> > common with the other instrument
> > - a "h4\rest" for a common rest if the instrument is used as \voiceOne
> > and
> > - a "r4" for a not common rest on \voiceTwo and
> > - a "s4", if the instrument is used as \voiceTwo
> Have you tried \partcombine?
> <http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/multiple-voices#automatic-part-combining>
> If I understand correctly, it will do exactly what you want; if not, you 
> could always provide us with a compilable example that we can debug for you.
> > It would be very fine if there would be a global switch where the
> > procedure could look how it should produce its output and it would be
> > fine if this would be possible with more than one pair of instruments in
> > a score.
> \partcombine will only properly handle one pair of instruments at a time, but 
> you can have an arbitrary number of staves each of which includes a pair of 
> combined parts.
> I hope this helps!
> Kieren.
> ________________________________
> Kieren MacMillan, composer
> ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
> ‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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