2016-10-11 6:26 GMT+02:00 Mark Mathias <d8val...@gmail.com>:
> LilyPond Friends,
> The manuals explain how to hide tuplet numbers, but nowhere could I find an
> explanation of how to turn them back on. After many experiments, I finally
> found an easy way to control turning on tuplet numbers after turning them
> off. The secret was to enclose within curly brackets those tuplets whose
> number needed to be hidden. Should this be shared somewhere?
> \version "2.19.16"
> \relative c' {
>   \tuplet 3/2 { c8 c c } c4
>   \once \hide TupletNumber { \tuplet 3/2 { c8 c c } } c4
>   \tuplet 3/2 { c8 c c } c4
> }
> Thanks,
> Mark
Hi Mark,

others commented on it already.

Let me share some general advice.

I suspect you were a little confused by the \hide TupletNumber command
and how to deal with it to fit your needs.

\hide and a lot of other commands are shortcuts, or you could even say
syntactic sugar. Sometimes it will get you more steps forward, when
you make yourself clear what they actually represent.

- Sometimes the docs help.
Though, in the case of \hide the NR _explains_ what it is/does but the
underlying code is not quoted (would be beyond the purpose of the NR).

- You could look through the source-files.
Using the search-function of my editor I got 13 hits for `hide' in
.ly-files. Actually not that much for such a generic search-term and
the wanted one is among them.

- Or most simple, use \displayLilyMusic
  \hide TupletNumber \tuplet 3/2 { c'8 c' c' }
\override TupletNumber.transparent = ##t

Now you know it's a common override, which could be used with other
commands like \once, \temporary etc. And/or \revert later.

Letting things be displayed with the various displaying-procedures
helps a lot. I do it all the time.


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