2016-09-18 15:38 GMT+02:00 Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de>:
> On 18.09.2016 15:15, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
>>> And finally with a better user interface
>> Under what circumstances would you NOT want the end of one curve to match
>> precisely the beginning of the next one?
>> If “none”, then I would say an even better user interface would not
>> require typing that set of coordinates twice.
> I thought about that too – it also makes the data structure less complicated
> if it’s a list of seven pairs. I added the new version to the LSR
> <http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=1045>, awaiting approval.
> Best, Simon
Hi Simon,

I'm not sure what to do with this snippet.

I had the impression Urs started to implement it in the source. Is
that true? Urs?
Otoh, the LSR runs 2.18.0. With this version the lsr-snippet is the
only available possibility to do slurs this way, warranting it's
approval, I'd say.



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