On Fri, 2016-10-07 at 10:37 +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:
> > seems identical with or without MultiMeasureRest.style =
> #'neomensural
> > and indeed with  MultiMeasureRest.style = ##f too.
> >
> >
> > Richard
> Have you considered using r1 instead of R1?  I don't know the era of
> the 
> music you're aiming for, but certainly up to 1600 there was no concept
> of a 
> multimeasure rest, since there was no measure.

Well, the Rebel is as late as 1712, and does have multi-measure rests
(it's printed as separate parts)

I'm not sure what period the originator of this query was interested in
- very likely earlier, this print using moveable type was old-fashioned
at the time. But I thought it might illustrate LilyPond's flexibility to
generate both a modern and a (somewhat) early version from the same
Denemo input. I think it is quite impressive, but there are some style
clashes in there.


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