Hi Kieren,

Finally I got it working, albeit "Non senza fatiga" (like when you managed to 
play Frescobaldi's Toccata IX, at least according to Frescobaldi himself). 

Since I do not yet know the right way to install things downloaded from 
github.com/openlilylib, I merely copied the folder "snippets-master" to a 
LilyPond folder in my Dropbox and used  \include  "full_path_to_shapeII.ily" in 
the ME I posted. I then  found that I had to include in the same way another 
file, "lilypond-version-predicates.ily", which, though it is in 
"Resources/share/lilypond/current/_internal/utilities" of the LilyPond.app, 
nevertheless could not be found. No idea why not.

Anyway, in the end it worked and the result is what I hoped it would be.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,


On 6 Oct 2016, at 13:53 , Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> 

> Hi Robert,
>>> Did you download and install the openlilylib framework on your path?
>> No, I didn't. Frankly, I had no idea that something like that would be 
>> necessary.
> \shapeII currently requires it (though I hope one day, \shapeII or similar is 
> built in to the main distribution of Lilypond).
>> There was no separate log-file but I copied he text from the console (I use 
>> TeXShop as the LilyPond editor) and pasted it in the Post Script of this 
>> mail. It speaks of a fatal error but nevertheless generates a nice pdf (with 
>> no improvement of the tie-distances of course). But I should have noticed 
>> the error warnings like " error: unknown escaped string: `\shapeII' " etc.
> Yes — that’s the key. And the reason for the empty measure.
>> Anyway, I will follow your advice and download and install  the   framework 
>> on my path.
> Let us know how it goes!
> Kieren.
> ________________________________
> Kieren MacMillan, composer
> ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
> ‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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