On 2-Nov-04, at 12:23 AM, Jean-marc LEGRAND wrote:
I'm typesetting a piece from Tobias Humes' Musical Humors for the viol. Some pieces are tuned "as
the Bandora", which means that the common way to tune a viol has to be changed. In the classical way
, the special tuning is indicated before the first "clef", as a chord of blacks noteheads (without
notebar). How can I reproduce that in my score, please ?

I do it this way (for viola):

\clef alto
\relative c {
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t
<b g' d' a'>4
\override Stem #'transparent = ##f
\bar "||"

\relative c' {  main piece }

This doesn't place the tuning before the clef, key, and time signatures, but you
could mimic that by hiding those items and putting them later. It seems more
work that it's worth, though -- this notation is (IMO) clear enough.

- Graham

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