Hi Urs,

2016-09-21 23:47 GMT+02:00 David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com>:

>> The other thing I didn't find is: how can I create a dashed (or
>> otherwise styled) line stencil with make-line-stencil?

I was going to write:
If you regard the basics you'll see something like the following example:

  \box {
         0.2 ; width
         0.5 ;; on
         0.5 ; off
         10 ;; x-end
         10 ;; y-end
         0 ;; phase
       ;; x-ext
       (cons 0 10)
       ;; y-ext
       (cons 0 10))
         0.2 ; width
         0  ; startx
         0 ; starty
         10 ; endx
         10 ;endy
       '(0 . 10)
      '(0 . 10))

So there's no direct method to switch between both, because of the
kind and amount of arguments differ.
But you can use some "meta"-functions like:

(and now follow David' reply)

> You should use ly:line-interface::line (which is available from
> 2.19.27, off the top of my head).
> Here's an example with both text and different line styles.
> (Even though TextScript doesn't support line-interface, you can still
> tweak line-related properties!)
> \version "2.19.46"
> #(define (my-stencil grob)
>    (let* ((line (ly:line-interface::line grob 1.5 0 6 0))
>           (text (grob-interpret-markup grob "A"))
>           (stil (apply ly:stencil-add (list line text))))
>      stil))
> {
>   \override TextScript.stencil = #my-stencil
>   c''1 -\tweak style #'dashed-line ^""
>   c''1 -\tweak style #'zigzag ^""
> }
>> More generally: how can I learn more about these things? Searching
>> lilypond.org seems to only point to snippets and no real explanations.
> There's not much to go on.
> grob-interpret-markup is mentioned here:
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/extending/callback-functions
> The function doesn't have a docstring:
> #(display (procedure-documentation grob-interpret-markup))
> returns #f ...
> ly:line-interface::line is listed in the IR (Scheme functions)
> Sorry I can't be more helpful.
> David


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