Hi all, I am returning after a long while and updated lilypond to 2.2.6 (debian sid)
I tried running lilypond on my hebrewtemplate.ly created with help from this mailing list. (http://www.geocities.com/aamehl/) but now it chokes on the newer version even after convert-ly Parsing... /usr/share/lilypond/2.2.6/ly/init.ly:26:8: error: unknown escaped string: `\n': "\n " /usr/share/lilypond/2.2.6/ly/init.ly:36:4: error: syntax error, unexpected SCM_T: ) ) /disks/hda2/bakup/projectnigun/notation/norai/lily/ly/withwords.ly:149:3: warning: Braces don't match: -------------------------------- here are the relevent lines in the file 14 \header{ 15 title = "\\R{ חזנס עבודה }" 16 language = "hebrew,english" 17 } 18 % General purpose mapping function: applies FUNC to every 19 % text field in MUSIC. 20 #(define (text-map func music) 21 (let ((text (ly:get-mus-property music 'text)) 22 (element (ly:get-mus-property music 'element)) 23 (elements (ly:get-mus-property music 'elements))) 24 (if (not (null? text)) 25 (ly:set-mus-property! music 'text (func text))) 26 (if (not (null? element)) 27 (ly:set-mus-property! music 'element (text-map func element))) 28 (if (not (null? elements)) 29 (ly:set-mus-property! music 'elements 30 (map (lambda (m) (text-map func m)) elements))) 31 music)) 32 33 34 % Does Scheme really not include this function? 35 #(define (string-reverse str) 36 (list->string (reverse (string->list str)))) 37 38 % Reverse every word (in terms of the above two functions) 39 #(define (text-reverse lyric) 40 (text-map string-reverse lyric)) 41 42 % Sandwich every word between PRE and POST 43 #(define (text-augment pre post) 44 (lambda (lyric) 45 (text-map (lambda (word) (string-append pre word post)) lyric))) 46 47 #(set-global-staff-size 16) I don't understand where the string: `\n': comes from and maybe I deleted something in the scheme for the second error. my score is converted from denemo, which adds lyrics a bit diffently, here is measure 149 text = \context Lyrics \apply #(text-augment "\\R{ " " }") \lyrics {" ט-רם י פ שות בג-די ז הב ט-רם י פ שות ב ג די ז ה ב מ ק דש ב נ קי ות י דיו ו רג ליו חל ו פ שט ב-ג די- ז הב י רד ו ט בל כ מו- ש ה ז הר חל ו פ שט ב-ג די ז הב י רד ו ט בל כ מ ו ש ה ז הר ו ע- לה ו נס ת פג ז ה בים מע ביר ו ל ב נים לו בש ש ע בו דת ה י ום ב בג די ל בן ש ע בו דת ה יו ם ב בג די ל ב ן ש ע בו דת ה יו - ם ב בג די ל בן ש ע בו דת ה יו - - ם ש ע בו דת ה יו - - ם ב - - - ג די ל ב ן } that is hebrew inside the brackets. Thanks for any help you can offer, Aaron _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user