On Mon 12 Sep 2016 at 20:10:23 (+0200), Roderick Mackenzie wrote:
> I am learning how to write bagpipe tunes with Lilypond. Bagpipe tunes
> are usually in parts with a partial measure at the start and end of
> each part. In order to avoid the warnings about use of "\partial"
> within the body of the score I am trying to use "\set
> Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment -3/8)". My problem is that
> this command seems to disrupt the automatic beaming: the half measure
> before the command is always printed as individual notes. In the
> attached fragment the first one and a half measures are correctly
> beamed but then the last half bar has no beaming. What am I doing
> wrong?

Forgive me if I'm making unjustified assumptions here as I'm only
familiar with Scottish Country Dance music and not bagpipe tunes
in general.

Normally you "pay back" the partial measure only at the end of a
piece. Where the first section is repeated, the last measure of the
section will be short, but that gets paid back immediately by the
start of the next section, which will have a matching up-beat.

So your example might look more like the attached. (I borrowed the
earlier measures to fill it out.) Excuse my changing the \bar ""
strings for 2.19.44.

I've also attached a dance tune, mangled for copyright, as a real
example. The chunks overlap.

\version "2.16.2"
\include "bagpipe.ly"
\layout {
  indent = 0.0\cm
  \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" }
  \time 2/4
  % First part
  \bar "|:"
  \partial 8 e8
  \grg a16. \grd a32 \gre a16. \grd b32     \grg b32 \grd a16. \grg b32 d16.
  \grg e16. a32 \grg a32 \grd a16.          \grg b16. e32 \gra e32 g16.
  %%\set Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment -3/8)
  \grg a4                                   \wbirl a8  \bar ":|.|:"
  % Second part
  \dblg g8
  \grg a16. \grd a32 \gre a16. \grd b32     \grg b32 \grd a16. \grg b32 d16.
  \grg e16. a32 \grg a32 \grd a16.          \grg b16. e32 \gra e32 g16.
  \grg a4                                   \wbirl a8  \bar ":|.|:"
  % Second part
  \dblg g8
  \grg a16. \grd a32 \gre a16. \grd b32     \grg b32 \grd a16. \grg b32 d16.
  \grg e16. a32 \grg a32 \grd a16.          \grg b16. e32 \gra e32 g16.
  \grg a4                                   \wbirl a8  \bar ":|.|:"
  % Second part
  \dblg g8
  \grg a16. \grd a32 \gre a16. \grd b32     \grg b32 \grd a16. \grg b32 d16.
  \grg e16. a32 \grg a32 \grd a16.          \grg b16. e32 \gra e32 g16.
  \grg a4                                   \wbirl a8  \bar ":|."

Attachment: bag.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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